Betty applies for a job

Today Betty discovered what PP really needs and applies for a job
Dear people,
This morning I passed PP's house and guess what, when I looked through the windows, I saw him walking around under a cloud of dust. The cloud of dust followed him wherever he went, from living to kitchen and really looked like some sort of beard. But of course it wasn't. Waving with a big piece of cloth (was it his table cloth? an old scarf?) PP tried to dust the cloud from his house. But it didn't matter. It was a lost battle already.
I was flabbergasted. I think I kept watching him for almost 5 minutes, it was a little embarrassing I admit. Then my heart poored over with compassion. I mean, that man fighting his battle against dust, really touched me. I was just on the verge of knocking at the window, to tell him a little early-morning-hello, when I saw a little note hanging in the corner of the window. It was handwritten:
Applications received etween 4pm and 4.10pm
Well, as I am not a stone hearted woman I rang right away. Yes, and guess what? I GOT THE JOB!
At first he was a little surprised that it was ME ringing the doorbell. And after that he got a little suspicious. But when I explained my cause a smile broke through on his face and he told me that I got the job.
It will not pay much but at least we will get to collaborate a bit more. He also mentioned something about his beard but quickly quickly I told him we would arrange the details later.
People, it's always good if you can help someone out. Of course it's not about money. I just love helping PP out. It must be an old complex that I carry with me but who cares, so happy dusting and
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