Inspiration Consult

Today Betty gets a phone call from Mr. Mashimoto
Betty: Mr. Mashimoto! How are you?
Mr. Mashimoto: Ah, Bitty, Bitty I'm fine...Just came back from business travel!
Betty: How wonderful, was it a good trip?
Mr. Mashimoto: Ah haha! no tripping no no! Travel! hahaha funny girl
Betty: Did find some new clients?
Mr. Mashimoto: (secretive) I found new clients. Very boring.
Betty: Sorry? Boring?
Mr. Mashimoto: Yes, clients very unghappy people. They work, they eat, they make business but very unghappy is difficult Bitty. They need inspiration!
Betty: What should we do?
Mr. Mashimoto: hahahaha nothing. Just make joke!
Betty: (sighs) But, maybe some training or something?
Mr. Mashimoto: training. Just make joke, drink... like life. Joke!
Betty: I see. Well, it was just an idea. So, anything else happened?
Mr. Mashimoto: No! No! Nothing happened.
Betty: Yes.,..
Mr. Mashimoto: aaahh joke haha..yes bye bye!
Betty: Oops..all right then...Cheerio!
Mr. Mashimoto: wakari masda massi hai hai Bitty...(cough cough)
Dear Mr Mashimoto
You'r bored. My wife Lee is never boring. She's giggling alle the time. She makes jokes herself. Walking in the garden, she makes a green joke, lying on the beach, she fantisises a nice yellow fairy-tail, crossing the woods she tells a funny blue story.When darkness falls she could even find a deep purple jest. When she's dry, she asks me, her great Joker to inspire her.So I do. Because she's a very serious woman.I love her so much. While she here with me, I love this world too.
Joking is never boring.
So make a joke jourself. You'll feel better Cheerio
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