Today Betty visited her mum and dad in Durango. Mum was preoccupied with being ill. She was upstairs in the house, in bed. Dad was very preoccupied with making tea for mum, in the mean time grinding his teeth since mum had taken on the role of an English patient (in terms of tea)
"It's too hot, dad
It's too strong, dad
It's not strong enough dad
I need a cooky with that
I definitely need two cookies with that
Oh no...this tastes horrible
Oh no....this is like mud
No more...that's enough!!"
ENOUGH! said dad and ran downstairs with the last bit of tea in the teapot. "I'm not going to serve that woman anything again. I'm going to sleep in the garage and be cold."
And so he did.
Betty felt very bad for dad. "You want a cup of tea to be warm?" she asked. But dad had no interest. According to him, marriage was just a big hassle. But, you are married for 45 years, said Betty. You should know how to make her a cup of tea.
But dad shook his head. "SHE is married for 45 years," he said. "But I've kept single all my life"
And so it stayed.
Betty in the end made a nice little cup of tea for herself.
To keep warm
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