Betty Bras Rooted

Today Betty talks to Guru about feeling at home
"I long for a home, because I never seem to fit in, " said Betty to Guru, who was sitting next to her on a bench.
"But you do!" said Guru.
"Well," said Betty, "I suppose fitting in means that you're rooted in some place or so, but I haven't felt that for a long time."
"Then," said Guru," then you'll have to go back in time and remember at what place you felt rooted."
"Hm," said Betty and went back in time with her mind. "I guess it was when I felt very connected and very inspired and very mystical and surrounded by good spirits..."
"It's a little much," said Guru. 'Why can't you say, I felt at the right place..."
"Because it wasn't really that I felt being at the right place," said Betty, "it was more a place of connection and inspiration"
"Betty baby, you make things very what place did you feel rooted?"
"New York," answered Betty. "No no! Durango! No! Moscow. Paris!...when I had an affair and a job and.."
"Betty! you're not like UPS, located everywhere. Come on now, where was the best and real home?"
"The womb..." murmured Betty.
"Well, then follow it!..." grumped Guru, not understanding the complexity of it at all
Do you have a solution for the problem of not feeling at home, that lots of people have, please let Betty know at or just comment on this posting.
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