Today Betty went into nature and felt excited
Betty: Hello nature, where are all the butterflies today?
Nature: (sighs) Oh, they're auditioning for a new tv commercial, butterflies are hot these days
Betty: Wow, so they're making it huh, just like the trees who get more and more asked for films and all that
Nature: (laughs) Yes we did have the numbers go up lately. The only problem is that the butterflies get paid much more money than the trees
Betty: O dear, they don't get paid the same amount of money for the same job?
Nature: Well, some of them do but other ones just can't put their foot down. They're too soft. They're not used to being assertive, they're coming from a life of standing around in the forest, you know
Betty: Terrible. Why don't we try to make them act more like butterflies
Nature: Cool. We'll give them a course in negotiating
Betty: And then we paint their leaves and make them fly
Nature: Great, and then we send them off
Nature: They should pay us for this brilliant idea
Betty: Beautifully spoken Nature, you sound like a real capitalist
Nature: Thank you Betty. You're a natural yourself
Betty: So why don't you pay me, I came up with the idea first
Nature: BETTY!
Betty: Oops all right then...cheerio!
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