Cave Girl meets ojects

Dear Betty,
I hadn’t seed any other people in a couple of days, and whenever that happens, the objects in my life start to take over the roles of friends.
One of my new friends was the coffeemaker. Naturally I have lots of contact with my coffeemaker, because I am not above creating tiny little cosy moments for myself.
Suddenly though, my coffeemaker started sighing. It was a very human sigh, something in between a moan and a sigh really, with a bronchitis-rattle in it as well. My coffeemaker sounded really, REALLY tired and very depressed.
Of course there was no way I could do anything about it. Tell it to get some sleep? It wouldn’t have understood me.
Strange thought: your only friends are objects that do not speak your language, and they get depressed in your presence anyway.
Well Betty, that’s all for now. Gotta sing some happy songs for my objects.
Cave Girl
Dear Cave-girl.
I am very interessed in your nipple-hair. I was a young docter, living in a little town near Seoul (Korea), when I saw fort he first time a nipple-hair. She’s called Lee ( like all young Korean women) en later on I married her, so I could study the phenomenon full and to follow the development ample, walking around with her left breast naked (in the house, you’ll understand understand, not outside because I liked to hold it secret). Well the hair seemed to me an eye-lash.In pointed a little upwards, smooth en silky.I liked the hair, so I studied nearly every day, and let her comb and brush daily. One day when she sat before me with eyes shut, ( witch she liked to, when I look to her) she said dreamy “I can see you”.
I answered, that it was not possible. But she persisted. I was stunned.
“What and how? I couldn’t believe. I toke my magnifying glass and studied the lovely nipply enew and again
“You are very big now” she giggled. “You are huge now, I’d like to see your p. now, I could climb in it”
I grew angry, because I couldn’t understand. I. looked and looked again and found it. I saw a mini-eye beneath the eye-lash, a cool, twinkling black eye, so beautiful, so nice, so lovely, moving me deeply.
Immedatily I saw the impact. This was the fiirst totally new human being since Neanderthal-men. A new human race in developing. And I did it . I did, I published in the medical journal and grew famous. All over de world i was invited for lectures, (except in America. They are afraid off breasts, nipples a t., so they made some laws)
But I grew very rich, by lecturing. and publishing.
Lee was very happy, because she could drive her car, closing her eyes en sleeping on, and bare breasted steering.
When see is in the mood, she ask me to hold the magnyfying glass before her little eye, hankering after looking to my…(you know)
Well you can see wat’s in future. In about 1000 years,when every one has nipple-eyes there will grow a whole new way of live.
There will be nipple-eye docters, nipple-eye glasses, nippi-opticians, nipple-hole bra’s. nipple –holed t- shirts, nipple-nipples to protect the mini-eyes,
So.cave-girl. Look beneath your hair, when its pointing up a little, then you could find a mini-eye. When so, tell me.Oh please tell me. I wanr to publish the phenomenon. You could be second exemple of the new human rac. You will be famous and I will become even richer.I would love you. I bearly can wait. Please Please please
Doctor JJ
P.S. for the cave-girl comment.
When I’m got to succes in making all the tools for the mini-eye myself, I could establish a new company, called “MICRO-EYE” and become the “Bill Gates” of the future human beings. I could also found a new “Charity-foundation”, so no one is going to be jealous, me growing richer and richer. Also I could leave the slummy neighbourhood, this horrible Gold Coast and remove to “Diamant-Coast” and buy a new car, for the former is allready two weeks old.
P.S tot the PS.
Yesterday Lee complained, she couldn’t see so well any more, even wearing a mini-eye-spectacle and also she complained because I only studied her eye and never kissed her longing nipple anymore. I felt guilty, you know.
So I kissed her nipple with great tenderness. Lee was very pleased. When I released, she cried surprised “Oh I can look totally wel again”
I myself was surprised to and I’ve learnt my lesson. Since then I……… wel you understand, ain’t you?” Daily twice for the sake of love (and steering naturely).
Cheerio, Oops
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