BettyBras (

Cartoons of hot reporter and agony aunt Betty Bras All your questions answered for free!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006


As promised, today Betty presents rule II for becoming succesful and famous, in addition to PP's wonderful new series: How to meet New People

For those of you who will be famous and succesful soon, it is very important to start focusing on those two flappers sticking out of your head: your beautiful ears. People nowadays tend to focus on the eyes, but the ears can do some good for you two. Betty's Newsletter is, how co-incidental, devoted to the EARS this month, so please check it out to update your knowledge. The idea behind listening to people is to then present yourself as THE ANSWER to any question they might have. Like yesterday, when Betty talked to an answer, she found out how comforting and reassuring that felt.

Betty: I have a question

ANSWER: And you want to know what's the answer?

Betty: Yes

Answer: Right. The answer is right.

Betty: Good answer, what was the question?

Answer: I don't know. I just do answers

Betty: Okay...gee, you must give many answers during the day

Answer: Is that a question?

Betty: Yes

Answer: Okay... yes,..the answer is yes

Betty: Yes..All right...(silence) would january 2030 be a good month to go on holiday?

Answer: Absolutely, 100%

Betty: thanks...just what I needed

Answer: No thanks

As you can see, this conversation could lead to great friendship and deep connection between two people who just met.
Succes is always related to answering the questions of people, who then will become your fans. If you feel nobody wants to become your fan just tell them a little bit about yourself: what you ate today, or where you'd love to go. Fans love to talk to famous people and since you'll be one soon it should come easy.

Next time we'll discuss the third rule for becoming a succesful person...




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