BettyBras (

Cartoons of hot reporter and agony aunt Betty Bras All your questions answered for free!!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Today Betty made a phone call to Japan and talked to Mr. Mashimoto from Mashimoto Mashimoto Call Operations Inc.

Betty: hello Mr. Mashimoto. What's up?

Mr. Mashimoto: hai Betty. Not much. Why you call?

Betty: Because you have a calling business. How is it going?

Mr. Mashimoto: business is no good!

Betty: why?

Mr. Mashimoto: Ha ha, funny question. You have business?

Betty: But it's no problem really

Mr. Mashimoto: hai. you come to Tokyo. We make business for you

Betty: great. when shall I come?

Mr. Mashimoto: soon

Betty: soon?

Mr. Mashimoto: hai hai, you see that too. But first Tokyo!

Betty: Tokyo? Soon? when? How? Hai?

Mr. Mashimoto: You sound little strange now. Maybe you call back later okay?

Betty: I see. You want me to hang up now?

Mr Mashimoto: yes, it's better. For business.

Betty: well,...bye

Mr. Mashimoto: you hang up?

Betty: yes...bye

Mr. Mashimoto: bye. no...wait! (sudden) hang up! ooh no. No hang up!

Betty: but you said I should hang up. So I hang up. Goodbye

Mr. Mashimoto: ooo no! no hang up! That is very bad. No hang up now. It is not good for take medicine and feel good, all right? no hang up! Is for Japanese old people. Not young girl like you

Betty: Mr. Mashimoto, don't be crazy. I want to stop talking

Mr. Mashimoto: noooo Betty, no, you are to young. No stop talking. All right, you come to Tokyo, I help you. Work for my business. Make money, we go to city, do nice things! you like Karaoke?

Betty: Mr. Mashimoto. Stop it! There is nothing wrong. I want to hang up!

Mr. Mashimoto: (crying) you are wonderful girl Betty! It is not good! No hang up! (cries more) I will hang up too!

Betty: Mr. Mashimoto!

Mr. Mashimoto: oooooaaaauwwwhhaaaaooooowaaahhh

Betty: oops...all right then...cheerio!


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