Today Betty got a casting call and discusses beauty
Betty: now tell me mr Casting Director, do I have any chance to get into the next commercial on TV?
Casting Director: Betty, in casting it is about being beautiful or being special- and you're special. So the answer is yes.
Betty: aren't we all special?
Casting Director: no we're not.
Betty: But Christina Aquilera has a great song about-
Casting Director: Christina Aquilera has already been casted. So she can sing whatever she wants. Now Betty, I would love to help you out but first you come sit on my lap. Will you do that Betty? (grins)
Betty: I am special no?
Casting Director: yes you are... Now come sit on my lap
Betty: will you give me a special role?
Casting Director: (grins) it depends
Betty: depends on what?
Casting Director: on my mood. And my mood depends on the way are gonna sit on my come here little princess.
Betty: (still sitting) am I getting the special treatment?
Casting Director: See me as a father figure Betty, who supports you whatever silly things you do. Now just get over here and DO AS I SAY!
Betty: I am not sure. You seem to be in a bad mood.
Casting Director: now don't you act like a special princess Betty- you have NO reason for acting like that!
Betty: But you just told me that I am a special princess!
Casting: yeah yeah yeah, whatever. We're ALL special all right? Now come here and sit on my LAP. You want to be on TV so you better start moving those lovely creamy buttocks of yours!
Betty: I am confused. you'll have to get the ideas about being special right. you're a flipflopper mr Casting Director
Casting Director: YOU shut up now Betty. And I will determine what is going to happen. I am the CASTING DIRECTOR. Now you are a housewife and I will be playing a little boy who spilled something on the carpet. And you get angry with me,..
Betty: I have trouble imagining myself doing that mr. Casting Director.
Casting Director:BETTY! shut up and do as I say! do as I say! You have to change your attitude Betty! we're NOT impressed by this one we're just (grabs his heart) o noo...o heart...come here...
Betty: just a second, I'll have to check my schedule
Casting Director:..BETTY!...
Betty: oops...I am late...all right then...cheerio!
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