Today Betty has to make a big decision about marriage
Betty: Guru, I have been proposed to, but I am not sure if I want to accept
Guru: Marriage? You? What a surprise!
Betty: It was love at first sight
Guru: How wonderful, tell me a little bit more about him then , is he handsome?
Betty: Well, he is big, with a broad chest, has strong muscular legs, shiny skin and horns like a real bull
Guru: A bull?
Betty: (sighs) I met him on a >cow hugging trip with colleagues. First it was very relaxing. Then it became exciting...oh, and he has such a big tongue..
Guru: Oh no, that's disgusting. Are you out of your mind?
Betty: What should I do Guru? Grab the bull by the horns right away?
Guru: (grumpy) Well, why don't we discuss the matter a little
Betty: (whispers) but we should hurry up, the deadline is tomorrow; after all he is a business bull
Guru: Let's do you communicate with him?
Betty: Well, his vocabulary is limited but rich. He MOOs or BOOs and sometimes jazzes it up with a grunt or two.
Guru: Betty, that would mean ditching all your dialogues! You want to give all that up for moo-ing?
Betty: Ah, life would be good at the farm Guru: fresh milk and grass and sun and lots of butter every day. How heavenly!
Guru: (cries) BETTY, I DON'T WANT TO SOUND BULLISH BUT: but you're behaving like a stupid cow! It's so tragic to see you like this!
Betty: Oops...alll right then...cheerio!
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