BettyBras (

Cartoons of hot reporter and agony aunt Betty Bras All your questions answered for free!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Today Betty felt very torn about things

Betty: My gosh, I feel so torn: what place should I choose for living my life? city or countryside?

Guru: we are all here to experience the light of our spirit, the joy of ...

Betty: traffic jam---living in the countryside usually means being in traffic jam for hours to get to the city so...

Guru: no, no traffic jam, we are here to LOVE one another and to...

Betty: make money---I need to make money so I can eat and feed my family...

Guru: yes, family is important and good intentions and a little bit of sacred....

Betty: ambition- when I want to improve myself the city would feed me very much

Guru: (sighs) Yes, we need to feed ourselves with trees and flowers and spiritual energy

Betty: spiritual energy__ that is what I need. That means living close to nature though-- WAIT!!

Guru: (sighs) so you found the answer?

Betty: I should have more sex. It is both very nature and very city, you know sex and the city Guru?

Guru: BETTY!

Betty: Oops all right then...cheerio!


At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Betty, did you know that there are more animals living in cities than in nature? Last year I saw a fox lifting his leg at the front door of Downing Street 10. And my neighbour always carries a rabbit under her light blue jacket. I can't stand that woman..


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