BettyBras (

Cartoons of hot reporter and agony aunt Betty Bras All your questions answered for free!!

Friday, June 23, 2006


Betty meets a tipsy French table which loves wine

French Table: Bonjour Bettine -hip- ca va?

Betty: Ca va tres bien, how are you yourself?

French Table: Well, oll is fine except for there iszz no more wine ha ha- hip- pardon

Betty: I heard there is too much wine in Europe, they are gonna cut about 400.000 acres of vinyards

French Table: yesze, there will be nobottle to talk to -hip- zhey are all gone

Betty: what are you going to do?

French Table: I am going to -hip- South Africa and Australia to meet new bottles and start new businezz -hip- haha

Betty: How interesting, what about the money?

French Table: I worked in a chique restaurant -hip- last summer and saved a leut of money

Betty: How fascinating

French Table: Why zon't you come with me Bettite, we will go togetzher and have good time ha ha

Betty: Yes, but only if you invite a charming French Lover to have dinner with me, every night

French Table: And zhen you probably want to ghave sex on top of me?

Betty: He he he

French Table: Ah, you are so vulgar Bettine, it iszz terribulle. I say NO

Betty: Oops...all right then...cheerio!


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