Betty meet an angry albino person, who organizes a protest manifestation against bodypaint art
Betty: So what is it exactly that the Albino Association is trying to achieve with the anti bodypaintart manifestation?
AA: First of all, some albinos have a tendency to idealize body painters as well as hairdressers and wigmakers. That might leave those artists communities with the wrong impression of albinism. With this protest we want to show that we are not interested in being compared to white canvases. Second...we want to show people that we are no heartless evil freaks just like in films like that Da Vinci crap movie...since the 1960 we have been the victim of wrong impressions
Betty: and how are you going to demonstrate?
AA: We are going to march. Through streets. But, all kinds of streets, little streets, colorful streets, streets with trees etc. and we are going to yell. We will yell anti bodypaint slogans. And we are going to raid, like furious wild men who show their strength
Betty: O really, It will be wonderful food for the press
AA: There will be no press coming
Betty: why not?
AA: because photographers have no understanding of how to use flashlight. We will be depicted as red eyed rallying nutters and we have no interest in that
Betty: but there will be some publicity I hope?
AA; no, except for people of Body Paint Magazine. Because they need to understand who we are-
Betty: and can they make photos?
AA: Betty, you seem to have no understanding of albinos. When we have red eyes, it might sometimes mean that we are getting really pissed off with someone..
Betty: oops all right then! Cheerio!
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