Today Betty has a writers block and tries to get inspired by others Betty: i am blocked I am blocked
Spiritual woman: why don't you come talk to me about the end of the world in 2012
Betty: I don't believe in that
Spiritual woman: then you are a pessimist
Betty: oops all right then...cheerio!
Hey Betty, all the day I were sending to you all kind of good waves, inspired waves, healthy weaves, .... but they are returned to me, the windows was closed I forget open it. Wuahhh, sorry
Dear Ositorico
Thank you very much for your efforts, I did actually feel some vibes coming from Chile and will definitely write a new Betty tomorrow
How is your life in Santiago? Since I am still not able to read spanish, I have no idea. However, I think the women on your side look very beautiful. Bettynic beauty almost...oops!
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