Betty meets an exhausted Remote Viewer
Betty: Hi Remote Viewer, did you meet anyone sexy in space today?
RM: Haven't landed yet girl- my spirit has to travel all the way back from a parallel universe
Betty: o really? you don't really look that one-hour-ago
RM:(closes his eyes) zooff zoooff gnamf gnamf !!! cling cling- bwhooaaa it goes so fast!
Betty: O Lord, I think it is so exciting this space travel! Did you see Tom Cruise?
RM: HOLD ME BETTY! HOLD ME REAL CLOSE! I feel it---coming like a galaxic explosion
Betty: (firm) I can't. Sex with psychic overly sensitive guys is very much against my principles
RM: Betty! You have to touch me now! I am almost arriving! it is dangerous Betty!
Betty: I know, you come all by yourself babe. Just like before. I am sure the FBI will much approve of it
RM: BETTTYYYYY!!! now I have fallen into a black hole, my God it is so dark up here!
Betty: oops all right then...cheerio!
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