Of course Betty did not really appreciate that unstoppable stream of e-mails with which you tried to make me reveal my secret right away. Can't you readers be a little bit more patient? I mean, you were acting like a cattle of hungry Mexican sheep. I am sorry to say that but it's true! beehehehe.
The comment about DURANGO is true (see comments). My cousin revealed it cleverly. thank you BERNANDO.
For those of you who do not know it, DURANGO is a little Mexican town where I lived before traveling. I can tell you that the Durangonians are the most clever people on earth, since they know the secret of communicating globally without use of lap top, mobile phone or internet. Of course when I left Durango at age 9, I had no intention of putting them in danger so I never gave them my trance-planeterial address. When I got kidnapped and later on had to prostitute myself, I had no intention of involving my family. But now, I might be up for a little family reunion.
So Bernando, you can expect that address today...
Durango town people are wise. They speak when it is time. They put their money where their mouth is. They are in tune with nature. If you want to know how to be in tune with nature and still have a healthy cashflow, which doesn't require you to kill yourself over a full bankaccount, then you might want to talk to us, Durangonians. When we need money, we don't go kill each other, or rip each other off, or drive around like mad and neglect the family, or steal it, or invent crap all day to persuade the naives, No, we just TELL the universe. Yes you read that right. We just tell what we need and the next day it will be brought to us at our door. Usually wrapped in a little bag. You don't believe it? I mean, when your soul needed a body, a mother and a father came your way no? Or do you not believe that EITHER? So how stupid can you be.
Ah yes, running around all day to get the money in, and stop seeing your family friends or kids, THAT is clever. Or stealing it. Or depriving people from their natural resources, or their rights. THAT will help you. Or kidnapping someone. Or making people believe YOU have the solution to things. No, WE Durangonians have our own ways and we won't give it up. Not even when you dress up as a tourist and start to come our way. NO, not even when you show your breasts (although, that might be fun)
My real secret has nothing to do with DURANGO but much more with Concrete Overlay. That is not true.
It is much more of an invisible thing but since I have talked a lot, I need to recollect energy and get back to you tomorrow.
Now, be cool and remember, Your Way should be the High Way. Then, tomorrow I will reveal you my inner secret of being in abundance.
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