BettyBras (

Cartoons of hot reporter and agony aunt Betty Bras All your questions answered for free!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Betty wonders why society is called society, since most of us do things alone

Betty: I feel very lonely today

Individualist: hehehehe Betty, that is how it is. One for God and God for all or something

Betty: but I don't like it. We have cars to feel free, big houses to feel authorised, work to be together and money to do things. But if you don't have that, you won't get by. On the other hand those who have that, feel alone.

Individualist: hehehehe, get out there and get what you want. Don't listen to other people. Do your own thing man yeah..

Betty: but I would love to listen to others! I would love to have a picknick with the whole society and just chat away about dreams and visions and ideas. And then dance and sing together and sleep

Individualist: (confused) oh come on, that is so old fashion. I mean, yeah, that is so yesterday

Betty: you never feel lonely?

Individualist: yeah, when I am in a traffic jam or when I am having a day off. Or when I cannot get reach anybody, or when my Internet disconnects. Or, when there is no TV, or when I can't get anything nice to eat. Or when I am in my big appartment all by mysself because I could not find anyone to sleep with.

Betty: so when is this?

Individualist: hardly ever

Betty: liar

Individualist: all right pretty much every day. But Betty! don't confront me with that because I have no one to talk about these things when you are gone

(long silence)

Betty: (softly) cheerio!

When you feel lonely, listen to Hawksley Workman: he is a Canadian singer. His poetical lyrics and wonderful music totally cheer you up


At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Betty. Again, your cousin Bernardo, from Durango, the only safe place on earth. But we have to explain that there are 3 other Durangos in the world. There is one in Spain; one in Colorado, USA; and, lastly, one in Mexico. And we are talking of that one in Mexico. I really liked your comment on lonely people. This is helping me with my sentimental education; education that, for the sake of my mind, I had forgotten.

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Betty Bras said...

Dear Bernando

Yes, today is a lonely day although the sun of Durango is shining in my rainy heart. Unfortunately it is a big rain and so the sun is having a trouble. But for you I hope it is beautiful day, and I also hope that your sentimental education is coming back to you.
You know, I always told you to dress well, with the right colors and to eat well. This is not to force anything but who know who will be swimming at the pool. The one who does not want the good garment, finds resentment. This is a very old and wise Betty Bras expression

Buena Vista Social Club


At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad you are back, because my sentimental education has desapeared.


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