BettyBras (

Cartoons of hot reporter and agony aunt Betty Bras All your questions answered for free!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Betty discovers an NLS (neurotic lost soul) at the local Supermarket

NLS: I feel so lost, I am in a bad place you know like-- like

Betty: the exit is near the counters

NLS: You are so right; I need to exit. it is getting too difficult to be on this planet of FEAR

Betty: Just DO it boy

NLS: (stops himself) but it might be hard and I just entered five minutes ago. Do you think they'll keep track on how often I enter and exit?

Betty: I don't think it is really a problem; just show them your money and it will be fine

NLS: Come closer. I am getting all confused. How do you know these things? Are you an alien?

Betty: well....

NLS: Come on, a STRAIGHT answer please not this wishy washy shit. Are you an alien or not? Are you from Belgium? the new planet they just discovered?

Betty: yes. I am. Ork ork. I am gonna kidnap you-ork-within 5 minutes- and then I am going to have sex with you. For twelve hours-ork. It will be great. We'll be going to Belgiumland, we'll make a long violent journey together. And Bruce Willis is coming. Isn't that wonderful? Ork. You will not know if you're dead or alive, kissy kissy little fruitcake


Betty: oops all right then.....cheerio!


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