BETTY talks to an OISTER

Betty talks to an oister who wants to multi task
Oister: (drift drift drift float) busy busy
Betty: Hi oister, any sexy news today?
Oister: (drift) o no, way too busy
Betty: how do you feel?
Oister: frustrated (sighs) I had plans to work on watermanagement but then I had to attent a meeting about Terror Nets and then on top of that the Japanese company called me to complain about the seaweed I had sent and oh oh
Betty: o dear, you have trouble multi tasking
Oister: maybe
Betty: why don't you use your anger a bit- start yelling
Oister: I can't yell... No, perhaps I will go with the flow some more
Betty: you are such a cool oister. And yet, you guys excite me like no other
Oister: Betty!
Betty: oops all right then.,..cheerio!
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