Last week Betty went on tour to get attention
Casting director: CONGRATULATIONS! you did so well on the auditions, we want to call you back! Can you make it next Friday?
Betty: No, I have to go to my grandfather to clean his artificial teeth
Casting director: you say disgusting things Betty. Why don't I schedule the call back audition on Friday so I don't need to see you again
Betty: well, if it is really necessary to not see me again...
Casting director: It is. I will have to call you back some other time
Betty: All right then. My grandfather shares his teeth with my grandmother. if don't help them clean it, they'll get into a fight. A horrible fight that might ruin their marriage.
Casting director (vomits): these semantics are killing me Betty. And my artistic sense
Betty: poor you. You must be so sensitive.
Casting director: don't know. You just disgust me
Betty; Why don't I call YOU back. It will be much easier
Casting director: you are so scary Betty! so scary. Don't you dare to call me back!
Betty: but I would love to see you again!
Casting director: why?
Betty: I love talking to you. I love the way you speak, so passionate and you really fit the role of a very lonely artist who needs to find true love. But then, this objective is hard to reach since you are so sensitive that it is hard for you to be in the outside world. And then we'll get the scene that you are in your room and your naked neighbour calls you and...
Casting director: Betty! you are NOT the director!
Betty: oops... all right then....cheerio!
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