Today Betty meets a horse
Horse: I'm dead
Betty: You're dead: where exactly do you feel that in your body?
Horse: Especially in my hoofs. They feel heavy and big. And lifeless
Betty: Now, when you go deeper into that feeling of those lifeless hoofs, what other images or feelings come up?
Horse: I see the image of a weak and clumsy body, it's a male
Betty: Is this body familiar to you?
Horse: It's Mr. Grunfeld's body
Betty: And what feeling comes up when you think of Mr. Grunfeld?
Horse: I get a very sick and pressing feeling in my stomach and I need to vomit
Betty: Now, what exactly does he do that make you feel that way?
Horse: He is a bad horseman. He can't lead me, he pulls the reins like a mad man and he yells and whips like a clown
Betty: Now accept that feeling
Horse: (breathes deep, coughs, then vomits) oaaaaaaah
Betty: Now that's good, how does that feel?
Horse: I feel liberated! Now I would like to run freely through the fields, with the other guys! No leader! I am my own!
Betty: Great! Congratulations! You have discovered your own free will again!
Horse: Thank you Betty, sometimes women get all hysterical, run through the fields with me, and wave their arms while yelling, but you are a real cool girl
Betty: Oh..hehehe
Horse: Now open your arms Betty, here is 600 kgs of true devotion for you! I am gonna jump
Betty: are 600 kgs!
Horse: But I want to whisper things to you Betty, and put my heart next to yours
Betty: Oops...alll right then....cheerio!
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