BettyBras (

Cartoons of hot reporter and agony aunt Betty Bras All your questions answered for free!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Today Betty met Mr. Grunfeld who fell off his horse

Mr. Grunfeld: That damn horse, I was just whispering some words to him and then he threw me off his back!

Betty: O dear, did that hurt?

Mr. Grunfeld: No no, heheh, it didn't hurt

Betty: But you look a little bit scratched

Mr. Grunfeld: Well, that's just because I haven't shaved, so I'm alright (oops heheh little dizzy still)

Betty: So, what exactly happened....

Mr. Grunfeld: Well, I was just telling him that I was planning to buy this ranch and-

Betty: And then he started to go wild?

Mr. Grunfeld: Yes for no reason...the bloody bastard just shook me off!

Betty: (deep voice) It's not true is it, Mr. Grunfeld. Are we lying to Betty? Isn't it true that you've never whispered anything, but that you tried to make the horse jump very high and that when he didn't perform well, you started to whip him to hide your own insecurity? Isn't that true Mr. Grunfeld?

Mr. Grunfeld: No that's not true...hehehe

Betty: Isn't it true that you have never taken a single horse riding lesson in your life, Mr. Grunfeld?

Mr. Grunfeld: that's not true

Betty: And isn't it true that...when you took a lesson..

Mr.Grunfeld: No no, that is not true...Betty!

Betty: Yes it is-

Mr. Grunfeld: No no, I've stopped seeing her...the horse riding instructor- and my wife knows about it

Betty: You had an affair?

Mr. Grunfeld: Yeah, well...very briefly. I only met her a few the Scottish Highlands when we celebrated my wife's birthday

Betty: Oh! So you DID have some lessons then? And you can't ride?

Mr. Grunfeld: Go away Betty! You make me reveal everything about myself

Betty: Oops all right then...cheerio!


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