Today Betty meets Seeking Woman, who tries to get organized
Seeking Woman: It's not that I'm disorganized, it's just that I can't find anything-
Betty: You mean that things are just nowhere to be found once you've organized your place?
Seeking Woman: Everything just disappears; even my TV has gone!
Betty: O dear, that's no good
Seeking Woman: Then I lost my washing machine last year and then one day it just popped out from under my bed!
Betty: Well, we should try and do something to help you
Seeking woman: (sighs) Darwin knew how to organize the world..I wanna be like him
Betty: Let's see..we could draw a map which shows where all your things are located
Seeking Woman: But I'm terrible with maps. I might end up in Germany. Although, I wouldn't know- I can never find any street sign
Betty: Or we could study the different locations of everything and then try to visualize them in our heads
Seeking Woman: But I am not good at visualizing Betty...I am an aural person, I need to HEAR where things are
Betty: Then I could TELL you where your things are, be like a TOM TOM
Seeking Woman: You will be my Tom Tom? I'm not sure if I'm interested in that kind of relationship Betty, I do prefer men to be honest
Betty: is a tool. But never mind, I am afraid dear, that you will have to accept the mess. And seeking things is your destined activitity. You are meant to seek
Seeking Woman: No Betty!... I need peace of mind! Which I can't find any more..And I lost two friends last week and my car!
Betty: Oops all right then...cheerio!
Long time I donĀ“t smile whith you. See you
OR ( from Southamerica)
Hi Ositorico
What happened? you forgot about Betty? I hope not...
We got a whole new private club as you can lots of smiles for you
And I hope your spanish life is going well. I will watch your stories, and photos
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