I'm writing you for the first time in a week because somehow I fell asleep last week and could not wake up. I think I was very very tired and actually needed a little holiday. Of course, I lost some weight since I did not eat. I also did not drink a lot so when I woke up, just now on the couch, I felt a little bit like a dry baguette. A little French even.
The most wonderful thing is that I did not go anywhere to experience new adventures. I just dreamt and it was WONDERFUL. i saw a beautiful dark tanned diving instructor with lovely wite teeth and blue eyes. It was marvelous to see him again. Again, because I met him before of course in real life...well anyway, in your dreams EVERYTHING is possible.
I did a few balloon flights, some wonderful baseball playing, some singing in swool piano bars. really, I had the best time.
Now I am back and am ready to blog. And thank God PW and Seeking Woman, you really made something happen on the site.
I love you guys for that.
Now remember, LOVE is the most important matter and substance. If you feel ill or sick or bad or depressed, remember to get a little bit of LOVE and it will cure you no matter what pain you're having.
I read wonderful little poems on love and it totally jumped on me, that little pink cloud. Good for the wrinkles to! (PW, pay attention)
So, I'm back and all my LOVE to you
Hey Betty, What is that !
Perhaps you are a bear like me, but with a summer hibernate.
Now I am falling in the same slepp, but here in Chile, we are on Winter.
Dear Ositorico
Is it winter? And really cold? I cannot imagine it because here it is very very hot. And no wind.
So I fell asleep because of warmth. But now I woke up. I feel much better.
I hope you are very well and that you have good hibernation,
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