BettyBras (

Cartoons of hot reporter and agony aunt Betty Bras All your questions answered for free!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mr. Karmizovsky marries

Today Betty meets Mr. Karmizovsky who is hungry for love and art

"It is not that I do not love love," said Mr. Karmizovsky, " but I love my ART much more, I believe,.."
"But don't you want to marry someone?" asked Betty.
"I do," said Mr. Karmizovsky, "but I would not know how to express that to someone."
"With the same words you just uttered," said Betty wisely.
"Which words?" asked Mr. Karmizovsky somewhat foolishly.
"I do! I do!" repeated Betty impatiently.

But Mr. Karmizovsky could not imagine that those two simple words were enough. It sounded good, he thought when he repeated those simple words a few times. I DO, I DO, I DO. The rhythm and poetry suddenly really pleased him.
'I do like art better,' he thought after a few efforts; 'I DO...'
And this is how Mr. Karmizovsky stayed married to his art.


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