Betty went camping and got harassed by a swarm mosquitoes
mosquitoes: zszszzzzswarm zzszszzsswarm
Betty: my goodness, so many moskitoes up here. I should wave my little skirt and blow them away. phoey phoey
Swarm mosquitoes: sszszzzsswar-zzsszssscary-zzzskirty
Betty: there! you ridiculous monsters. Go away! Let me walk along the river without making me crazy
Swarm mosquitoes: zssszszzzzzzsssssilly betty sszzzwaarmmm
Betty (suddenly very philosophical): all they have is their lives, why am I so selfish that I need all that space to walk along the river. Why can't I tolerate them to fly around me and trying to do their little dance? Betty, you selfish nest, you be open now, you embrace nature
Swarm mosquitoes: zzzzzzwwwwwoeshwoesh sssssswzzzzwoesshhhh
Betty: Hello mosquitoes! I am a friend of the earth. I respect you all. kissy kissy! mmm kisssy kissy!
swarm mosquitoes; zzzzwwwwwzzzzzazy ssssshhhhiiiissss crazzzzzyyyzzzzzz ssswarmmmm
Betty: yes, do your little dance for me, your dance of joy and respect for life! Wait...I'll do it too and we'll dance together!
Betty lifts up her little red skirt to have more room for her legs and does a little Betty dance. It goes hop la la hop lala.
mosquitoes: hihihihihi hahahahaha
Betty (angry): ungrateful little bastards. All my love and understanding and no respect for it! There! (slaps them with the newspaper) The newspaper on your ungrateful little assess. I'll punish you!
Swarm mosquitoes: zzzzzzzzzzzwwwwwwwstingggg! ssssss mmmmm ssss sssssss mmmm SSSMMM stingggg hehehehe
Betty: oops...all right then! cheerio!
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