BettyBras (

Cartoons of hot reporter and agony aunt Betty Bras All your questions answered for free!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Betty Da Vinci

Today Betty tried to meet Tom Hanks and ran into a doormat

Doormat: where do we think we're going?

Betty: we are going to meet Tom Hanks. Is this the house?

Doormat: I personally don't think Tom would want to meet strange girls right now. He is on a secret mission

Betty: Listen silly rug, Tom personally called me to meet him, so get out of my way

Doormat: (pissed off) for you babe, the only way is the auuwgh, are those high heals?

Betty: (steps on him and rings the bell) Hope he answers..what's the code? 1...2...5...6 no 87....45...

Doormat: you're not supposed to know the code. That is the whole deal Betty. The code is secret

Betty: gosh you are so hairy I cannot even see my pumps anymore. Now tell me the code hairy mat!

Doormat: the answer is 13-3-2-21-1-1-8-5, ehm something with a lame guy...(sighs) it's ancient

Betty: Okay can you repeat that? (her mobile rings) oops, someone is ringing me. O, it is from Japan! Hello, Betty here!

Mr. Mashimoto: Bitty! Ghow are you?! Ghow is T-shirt business? Mashimoto Calling Operations Inc. Tokyo- hahaha

Betty: Mr. Mashimoto! Why are you calling?

Mr. Mashimoto: ahahaha funny girl just calling- ghow is your business? come to Tokyo?

Betty: I have no T-shirt business. I hang up now, I am trying to meet Tom Hanks

Mr. Mashimoto: ooo nooo Bitty! no hang up please!

Betty: ...later! (hangs up) Now YOU, are going to tell me exactly how I get through this door and meet Tom

Doormat: Tom is in the Louvre. And he is not alone. He is with Audrey, Betty.

Betty: all right, so fly me to the Louvre. Come on! (squats)

Doormat: (sighs deep) all right, we are about to take off...keep your hands inside the carpet. Refreshments will be brought at an altitude of several thousand yards --oh my God, I have got a bad hairday. I can't go to Paris like this!

Betty: oops...all right then....cheerio!


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