Betty tries to think positive and asks advice from her GURU
Betty: so my question is, how can we think positively when there is so much negative around?
Guru: there is only positive thinking possible when you know what negative thinking is..
Betty: right. so when I say, o this is really shitty, then it is good.
Guru: exactly
Betty: I think what you say is really shitty
Guru: that's fine.
Betty: I think it will never help anybody
Guru: exactly
Betty: You might want to end it all
Guru: well Betty...a little bit more respect wouldn't hurt you
Betty: you see, it is hard to keep thinking positive no?
Guru: Betty! Come on Betty! negative thinking is not about insulting anyone!
Betty: o, that all depends on who you talk to.
GURU: no! no! that is so horrible to say. you make me sad Betty really! You should say things that are happy and light!
Betty: Well... first you say negative is good because it lives next to positive and then I try it and you get all mad and say you never want to hear negative things anymore. Well, how do YOU stay positive when there is negativity around?
Guru: I don't know! You're right. There is nothing we can do, once we're negative we're negative. Booohooo (cries) I feel so sad that you think my help isn't any good!
Betty: Don't be sad! it was only a joke!
Guru: yes yes. (he cries, goes off)
Betty: oops...all right then...cheerio!
Betty, please dont tell us all about your longer Gurú´advices. Perhaps silent may be the best option for the details of his opinions
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Hi compunerd
So what is up with all your positive thinking. Don't you love computers anymore? It is a great toy someone said and toys are there for boys.
I hope you will keep the good thoughts up with looking a while at the sun every day. it will shine warm on your face and beam light all around you.
gee, I got all cheesy. O well, it might totally work!
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