Betty meets Mr. Karmizovsky, a famous artist
Mr. Karmizovsky: Hello Ms. Braski. What you want from me?
Betty: Hello- I read this brochure about your fabulous two week art workshop over summer
Mr. Karmizovsky: Ha ha, workshop. Funny girl, you take art serious. Haha. NO.
Betty: NO? No workshop? the brochure it says-
Mr. Karmizovsky: (reads) Ah, it is my brochure? Ah yes, I remember now. To attract foreign people. But, no there is no workshop. Only me. I am artist.
Betty: Oh, that's good too.
Mr. Karmizovsky: Yes, Ms Braski, you want to come to me and study. But it is CHANGE. BIG CHANGE. You give up your life. You choose art. Then your art is your life. Your life is your art and your art-- well anyway. Ms. Braskievsky, it is clear now.
Betty: Okay. So how long will it take? I already have a master of art degree and-
Mr. Karmizovsky: All your life
Betty: So...I give up my life for art then my art is my life and then my life is my art.
Mr. Karmizovsky: yes yes
Betty: So what's the difference?
Mr. Karmizovsky: What difference?
Betty: Between life and art. If my life is my art and my art is my life what is the difference
Mr. Karmizovsky: NO difference! No difference at all. Life and art is one.
Betty: But you mention both the whole time. Life and art you say. But if there is no difference, why you mention the two ideas.
Mr. Karmizovsky: Ms. BRASCOVIC! I was born and raised in a disciplined way. no food. no drink. no nothing. I MAKE art. you come with your stupid idea about workshop. But no workshop. There is ONLY art. And now you oofffsp-p
Betty: O dear, what's going on?!
Mr. Karmizovsky: My -art my -art my...hh
Betty: Oh dear, are you in pain!?
Mr. Karmizovsky: No....kgggprrrqvvvvrrww (grabs his chest) my h- h- eart...(he drops on the floor and lays still)
Betty: My goodness. That was beautiful mr. Karmizovsky. What drama. Great intensity. But...what am I gonna do now? (looks desperately around) maybe I'll call someone.
Mr. Karmizovsky: (jumping up, wiping his pants) hahahahaha. There, now you were afraid no? You see now? ART and LIFE together.
Betty: (pissed off) It is H-art, it is Heart. With an H!
Mr. Karmizovksy: No GH-ART. ART! ART! Whatever, fuck you Ms. Braszzkkkv-things (walks off) I am master. ART MASTER! you nothing!
Betty: Oops all right then...cheerio!
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