Betty went to Edinburgh to the FRINGE festival
It was fabulous. The festival, the theater, the artists and Seeking Woman, who joined Betty at the festival were fabulous. There was lots of comedy and laughter. There was also street theater (oh well street theater..) They saw Mette Lizby and Omar Marzouk with their show Cartoon Comedy, they saw FREAKS in THE BOX with two very crazy men from New York who did an acrobats act with interesting movements. They saw Shakespeares Toilets and Jessica directed by Peter Stein and they saw some other tales of horror at night. They slept at a hostel full of women of youth. They spent all their money on cappucino's and useless books about spiritituality (as if that would help to find your soulmate) and they sat down a lot with people from other cultures. You know. to be like that.
Are you bored? Organise a fringe festival.
It is over though! Too bad!